Our Team

Caitlyn Edson

Caitlyn, the owner and founder of Caitlyn Edson Nutrition, is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and mom of two boys. She graduated from State University of New York at Oswego, and following her undergraduate she completed her post-baccalaureate degree and dietetic internship at Sage Graduate School.

Post-internship and while working as a Clinical Nutrition Manager, Caitlyn found a gap in the pediatric outpatient population supporting families through starting solids, picky eating, weight issues, and other childhood nutrition concerns.

Caitlyn has a passion for helping families get back on their feet after the daily struggle of trying to feed your child. As a mom and a dietitan, she has a passion for making food fullfilling, fun, and easy.

Maddie Weekes

Maddie Weekes, is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist.  She graduated from the University of Vermont with her B.S. in Dietetics, Nutrition and Food Science and completed her Dietetic Internship at Cornell University. Throughout Maddie’s career she has worked with the eating disorder population, and youth athletes, and now pediatrics.

When asked about her perspective on nutrition, Maddie has the following to share:

“I thrive on helping individuals make peace with food, and have food freedom. My hope is to help you and your child create a nurturing environment surrounding food and recognize that all foods have a purpose whether it is for adequate nutrients, celebrations, taste, fun or joy! “